Saturday, November 24, 2007

Moon ring

So after work tonight (I got out at 3am) my friend Josh was scraping the ice off of my car for me when I looked up and noticed that the FULL moon in the sky had a huge glowing ring around it. It was terribly cool! When I got home I (of course) froze my ass off trying to get a good picture of it. Without a tripod. Because I STILL don't have a tripod! So please forgive the high amount of noise (high ISO + drastic curves adjustments) and slight motion blur from hand shake.

The first picture shows the whole ring...

And the second one shows it in perspective... this one was taken from the walkway in front of my house...

I looked it up on the Interweb and found this:

A Ring Around The Moon

The ring around the Moon is caused by the refraction of Moonlight (which of course is reflected sunlight) from ice crystals in the upper atmosphere. The shape of the ice crystals results in a focusing of the light into a ring. Since the ice crystals typically have the same shape, namely a hexagonal shape, the Moon ring is almost always the same size.

Less typical are the halos that may be produced by different angles in the crystals. They can create halos with an angle of 46 degrees

1 comment:

Melba said...

This is pretty cool and not too bad considering no tripod! Do you have those mittens with the little finger flap thingy so you can still use your hands but not be as cold?? If not I HIGHLY recommend them, that was my favorite Christmas gift last year! :) I like the pics...even though I just have to say they do kind of remind me of a good way, of course!!