Friday, October 19, 2007

Just a LITTLE embarassing...

So, it's 3am. It's not surprising that I'm still up... I have a nocturnal schedule now due to my new job at the bar. What IS surprising, however, is that my doorbell just rang. And rang again.

Thoughts running through my mind at the time include:
"Some idiot drunk has the wrong house."
"Someone died and my cell is off." (It wasn't)
and, most appropriately:

Yeah, it was the cops.

They wanted to make sure that everything was alright... Apparently someone had noticed that we had a car running in our driveway with the doors open for a long period of time. Upon further inspection, I found my dad's old-ass Saturn chugging away in the driveway, two driver's side doors wide open, interior lights on.

(Thought at that point: "I hope Josh didn't take this call")

This was at 2:30am. My dad came home at 9pm. That damn car was idling in the driveway, doors open INVITING someone to drive off with it, for over FIVE HOURS. He had left around 8pm to go buy some mat board for me to cut mats for some prints, and when he came back he had gotten out of the car, opened up the back door, and unloaded the bulky boards. He planned on immediately returning to the car to pull it into the garage, but must have gotten sidetracked.

Things I learned from this incident:
a. Early model Saturns must be great cars! If I left my car idling for more than five minutes it'd overheat beyond recognition, let alone for five HOURS.
b. My dad is a doofus. I don't use the word doofus, but I can't think of anything better to describe him right now. He's a genius, actually, but MAN can he be a doofus.
c. I must live in one hell of a safe neighborhood, huh?

So that's about it. I just thought I'd share my funny story with y'all.

Things are relentlessly monotonous around here. I sleep until about noon daily, wake up, shower, get gorgeous (helps with tips), run errands, and go to work at 5pm. Get off work between midnight and 3am, deposit my tips in the ATM, go home, wind down, fall asleep... I'm making good money but the hours are hard to get used to.

'til next time...

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