Monday, October 8, 2007

Why I love THE BOYS...

Anyone who knows me well knows that I'm a fan of the boys. I've always found it easy to relate to guys, and it comes as no surprise that most of my friends are guys. Including my best friend. Guys are simple. They're easy to call. They like what they like, and when it's around, they're happy. When it's not, they're not. Whether it be family, a girl, sports, a hobby, or their career. Easy. Simple. Low drama. I love guys.

I mean, I'm a girl. I still like to feel vulnerable. I still love having doors opened for me, and flowers bought for me, and sensitive things said to me. But in the end, I just wanna grab a cold beer, and throw in some whiskey... just let me just SIT and hang out. We can wax intellectual, or we can just watch the game. Maybe we can talk all deep-like about life and hopes and dreams, but probably we'll just talk about random bullshit.

So, to all the boys in my life: thank you! Thanks for easy, laid back nights. Thanks for assuming nothing about me, and not pressuring me but still being there when I REALLY need it. Thanks for protecting me when 'other guys' don't seem to have any respect. Thanks for being good solid human beings. I love my boys...

That's why, when my friend Eric posted this, I immediately loved it.


Begin with a boy.
Make him do a number of things with catapults, insects in jars.
Give him a pet or the freedom to run along the paths
of the forest.

Next make him a man.
This mainly means increase his size. Let him forget catapults.
Ensure he has his first loss -- that dog or his first love.
Invent something like a wife. Concern him with the daily bread,
choose him a newspaper for reading on the train.

Surprise him with the news.
Later, lay an infant in his arms. Let him look at the face, fear
for the fragile bones that make the skull.
Other than this equip him with very little.

If you fancy it allow him to imagine his significance.

A regular seat by the hearth, custody of the remote control,
now and then, some idea that what he says is true --
will be abided by. Let him also think you're taking his advice
(his half of conversation) don't imagine he's listening.

Lastly make him old.
This mainly means reduce his size. Let him forget
the ends of sentences, look past you with his milky eyes.
(He'll be recalling catapults and forest paths.)

In the end just let him go.
Carry his coffin

-- if you can shoulder it.


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